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Our edible dried rose petals are a good source of vitamin C, add a colorful addition to tea blends, and provide the following benefits:

  • It is quite beneficial for skin problems, rose tea is packed with two powerful antioxidants such as vitamin A and vitamin E, these ingredients work positively for the skin.
  • Protecting your body from cell damage and reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cognitive diseases with antioxidants
  • Reducing anxiety and stress with soothing effects
  • Improving digestion and soothing stomach troubles

Steep for 5-8 minutes. Serve hot. 
Caffeine Level: FREE

**Once you have finished steeping, place the tea bag in the refridgerator for 30 minutes, remove once it is chilled and place under eyes as a cool compress. 


One ounce pkg renders 5-8 INDIVIDUAL servings depending on how strong you like it. 

Two ounce pkg renders 8-12 INDIVIDUAL servings. 

**You can resteep tea up to 2 times, each will be a little weaker than the previous. 

Rose Petals

1 Ounce
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