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Writer's pictureAngel Altman

Suppressed Emotions.....

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

Suppressed Emotions
Suppressed Emotions

Suppressed Emotions.....

The Body is a life a hard drive, every experience we have ever had is SAVED and recorded on our hard drive.

As we understand the mind-body-spirit connection we can better understand how trapped emotions can contribute to chronic pain and physical ailments. We can also learn how these suppressed emotions are contributing to our health issues.

Emotions are ENERGY IN MOTION.

If this motion gets inhibited or stopped, the result is “trapped” energy in the body -trapped energy becomes STAGNANT - stagnant energy contributes to dis-ease.

We can go years (10-20+years or more) without realizing that we have trapped emotions. We also may not know where they originate from. We wind up holding on to blocked energy which over time will usually evolve into pain or a chronic condition.

Our social and cultural conditioning starts at birth and is well imprinted by the time we turn 7 years old. It is reinforced throughout the rest of our lives by our parents, friends, teachers, family members, and society.

A lot of the muscle tension (suppressed emotion) that we develop is the result of unspoken social beliefs that we were taught to adopt as a way of being accepted, liked, or even LOVED.

Trauma can be caused by an overwhelmingly negative event that causes a lasting impact on your mental and emotional state. While many kinds of trauma are physical (violent) in nature, others are psychological (mental/emotional). Some traumas are not even actual EVENTS, they result from OUR PERCEPTION of the events.

When trauma isn't dealt with, it can result in chronic fear, stress, or PTSD. These emotions of chronic anxiety, anger, and grief get stored within the body. This results in muscle tension which can contribute to illnesses such as fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, autoimmune disorders, lung conditions, mental illness, or cancer.

Emotional tension is any form of anxiety, frustration, sadness or anger that we develop as a result of our perceptions. The more negative our mindset is, the more tension we tend to store in our muscles. A negative mindset (fearful or fault-finding) will distort our daily perspective. We will SEE the negative more easily. This will also work to FEED our own negativity making it more and more difficult to break free of negative thinking. This thought process MUST BE CORRECTED for healing to begin to take place.

The Process:

The body is a hard drive of our past experiences.

It can also be compared to a “treasure map”. If you follow the riddles and clues, you will find the “treasure” which in this case is the suppressed emotion needing attention. The specific pains, ailments or conditions are a “clue” as to what needs corrected. The specific side of the body is also a “clue.”

There can be MANY emotions contributing to one (or several) conditions. Resolving these issues are much like peeling an onion. There are many layers, and you may cry before it's over.

CRYING IS THERAPEUTIC! Tears are cleansing. The viscosity of tears depends on the emotions being released. It is important to cry, this is an easy and healthy way for emotions to move through. Other conditions may take more effort. Especially if “suppressed emotions” are a new concept to you! It is important that you work with someone to guide you and help you understand. Eventually you will be able to work on your own. The AWARENESS is what empowers you to correct, release and heal these issues.

Some of our suppressed emotions occur when we are very young. We have no recollection of them. They are stored in the “subconscious” section of our hard drive. These can be released and corrected as well with time, effort and deep self-reflection.

Just an example:

Based on the functions of your brain’s hemispheres: Your left side -

  • This is the receptive, or “yin” side.

  • It responds to stimulus from your environment.

  • It holds your past experiences. your emotional self, your memories, and emotional joy or pain.

Your right side -

  • Is the “yang” energy.

  • Organizes and moves you forward into the future.

  • Governs how you interact with the world.

  • When you are experiencing problems on your right side, you may feel stuck or hindered in progressing forward. You may be experiencing unwanted change. This can cause fear, reluctance, or hesitancy.

Your front side -

  • This is your social or public self, the part of you that the world sees.

  • It reflects the parts of yourself that are involved in your everyday living. Including: communication, desire, caring, loving, happiness, sadness. These show in your face, physical stature and body language.

Your back side -

  • Reveals the private and unconscious elements of your life.

  • This side stores everything you don’t want to deal with or don’t want other people to see about you.

  • Hidden or unexpressed feelings become trapped into your body. This means a lot of negative emotions become stored along your spine. They can also become stored in the backs of your legs.

  • Your “powerful emotions” such as anger and fear are stored in your back. (This is a reason the ‘Raindrop Technique’ can be so important in your healing process. It helps to release the trapped emotions along the spine and in the back muscles.)

Awareness is the FIRST STEP to healing. Let's Talk: If you would like more information, let's schedule a time to talk!


(P) 740-464-8336

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